Sunday School Ministry

IDC Men's Fellowship

Sunday School Ministry

Mathew 19:14
“Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for of such is the kingdom of heaven composed”.

The objectives of the Sunday school ministry is to;

• Facilitate Christian friendship among children.
• Teach our children the importance of love, obedience, respect and kindness.
• Facilitate Biblical teaching that is relevant to personal development and need for each age group.
• Facilitate outreach and discipleship for individuals and groups of children.
• Facilitate regular worship and systematic introduction of God’s Word to children leading them to personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
• Identifying, nurturing gifts and talents in children.

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The Organisation

1The Children Ministry is composed of Coordinating team, Class conveners, Teachers, Children and their Parents. The Sunday school teachers are drawn from JKUAT Christian Union and IDC Church.

Overview of Ministry

IDC JKUAT runs a Sunday school classes for children between the ages of one to eighteen years. With such a large variation in ages, the classes are split into appropriate age brackets and each age group is catered for by the volunteers. The classes are categorized as

  1. Baby Class, 1-5 years
  2. Middle Class, 6-9 years
  3. Pre-teens Class, 10-12 years
  4. Teens Class, 13-18 years

The children have very interactive lessons and most often they will learn new songs, be engaged in biblical stories, or through team activities – always learning about the Word of God. They are given weekly memory verses so that they learn to meditate on the Word as it was instructed in the Bible to do so while nurturing their talents.

The Sunday school service normally runs from 9.45 am to 11.30 am every Sunday.


Sunday school ministry carries out the following activities

  • Teaching and discipleship
  • Praise and worship
  • Prayer
  • Sports evangelism
  • Home visits and children’s home visits
  • Retreats and camps for teachers and children trips.
  • Memory verse contest, movies, Church presentations, evangelism etc

Requirements to Join this Ministry

We also offer seminars and trainings for new Sunday school volunteers who chose to be teachers, where they are taught on how to approach the children and what to teach them. This encourages the teachers to meet and discover new methods of teaching whilst being encouraged on the power of their ministry.

Anyone can get involved as long as he/she meets the following:

  1. Be a born again Christian.
  2. Be a Registered member of the church.
  3. Member of the Christian Union

If you too would like to be part of our Sunday school ministry – come and join, we would love to have you!